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"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt."

Dont Screw Around!!

I was talking to Sam in the 11 'o' clock break and had the sudden urge to take his case.

Me- Do you know what screwing means ?
Sam- Of course I know what it means!
Me- Tell me what it means.
Sam- Stop bugging me, dude.
Me- I will enlighten you. If a girl rotates 360 degrees when she is riding you, it is called screwing.
Sam- Shut the fuck up!! That's not what it means.
Me- Of course it does.
Sam- Dude stop being gross. It is not possible. It is not as if the whole thing is a machine.
(Banavar joins us)
Banavar- It is like a machine only. That's where the word comes from. *Shows how a nut a is screwed*. That is the true meaning of screwing. You should posses a least this much general knowledge re. Dumb Fuck
Sam- But how is it possible? Wont something get stuck?
(Guhan and Arjun join in o have fun)
Arjun- There is no valve inside dumbo.
Guhan- If you are so unsure, go see this porn clip on your very own computer called "Nalini and Sangeeta"!
Sam- *wide expression* Fuck dude, I never knew this.
Me- You are an idiot, dude*high five behind his back*
Banavar- Grow up jackass. *returns high five*

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